Promote the values and ethos of public service
Promote diversity
Use complex workplace communication strategies
Promote compliance with legislation in the public sector
Maintain workplace safety
Evaluate workplace legislative compliance
Facilitate improvement in workplace legislative performance
Investigate possible breaches of workplace legislation
Manage risk
Undertake negotiations
Manage conflict
Promote the values and ethos of public service
Undertake negotiations
Promote compliance with legislation in the public sector
Manage contract performance
Finalise contracts
Manage procurement risk
Plan to manage a contract
Plan for procurement outcomes
Make procurement decisions
Plan market research
Manage a supply chain
Apply public sector financial policies and processes
Use complex workplace communication strategies
Provide team leadership
Work with others in local government
Provide quality and timely advice to council
Prepare accounts for rates
Assist customers with rate enquiries
Administer the electoral roll
Implement debt recovery procedures
Maintain property rates and records
Prepare rate notice forms
Recommend rates and charges
Resolve valuation and property services disputes
Manage people performance
Manage policy development
Manage finances within a budget
Promote the values and ethos of public service
Promote diversity
Use complex workplace communication strategies
Promote compliance with legislation in the public sector
Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
Develop client services
Provide leadership
Manage conflict
Refine complex workplace documents
Coordinate resource allocation and usage
Manage performance
Promote the values and ethos of public service
Promote diversity
Use complex workplace communication strategies
Promote compliance with legislation in the public sector
Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
Develop client services
Manage conflict
Provide leadership
Coordinate resource allocation and usage
Manage performance
Support workplace coaching and mentoring
Promote the values and ethos of public service
Promote diversity
Use complex workplace communication strategies
Promote compliance with legislation in the public sector
Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
Determine liability and negotiate settlements
Manage case direction and outcomes
Maintain and monitor service standards
Contribute to a quality injury management system
Undertake negotiations
Refine complex workplace documents
Promote the values and ethos of public service
Promote diversity
Use complex workplace communication strategies
Promote compliance with legislation in the public sector
Maintain workplace safety
Develop organisation policy
Advise on organisation policy
Develop public policy
Provide policy advice
Undertake research and analysis
Refine complex workplace documents
Follow defined OHS policies and procedures
Work effectively in local government
Work with others in local government
Provide quality and timely advice to council
Develop, implement and review operational plans
Represent council’s role and value in the community
Conduct public educational presentations
Develop and organise public education programs
Establish cooperative arrangements with other organisations
Devise and conduct community consultations
Manage a local government project
Provide team leadership
Work effectively in Local Government
Provide quality and timely advice to council
Provide team leadership
Develop, implement and review policies and procedures
Follow defined OHS policies and procedures
Develop, implement and review operational plans
Promote and facilitate organisational performance
Establish cooperative arrangements with other organisations
Manage finances within a budget
Coordinate and facilitate a change process
Monitor council procedures to ensure compliance with relevant legislation
Manage a local government project
Work effectively in Local Government
Provide quality and timely advice to council
Provide team leadership
Develop, implement and review policies and procedures
Administer contracts
Prepare tender documentation
Prepare response to tenders
Develop and maintain supplier relationships
Participate in negotiations
Establish purchasing networks to ensure council is resource effective
Prepare accounts for rates
Prepare rates notice forms