Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment
Plan to undertake a routine task
Apply quality systems
Apply quality procedures
Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment
Perform operational maintenance of machines/equipment
Operate and monitor machine/process
Perform advanced plastic processing
Undertake manual handling
Use comparison and basic measuring devices
Perform computations
Perform emergency first aid
Work safely with industrial chemicals and materials
Use hand tools
Use power tools/hand held operations
Form and integrate fibre-reinforced structures
Interpret technical drawing
Undertake manual handling
Perform engineering measurements
Perform computations
Work safely and effectively in manufacturing and engineering
Plan work activities
Organise and communicate information
Interact with computing technology
Assist in the provision of on-the-job training
Use hand tools
Use power tools/hand held operations
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Lay up composites using open moulding techniques
Make basic plugs for composites fabrication
Make basic moulds for composites fabrication
Mark and cut out sheets for composite use
Select and use reinforcing appropriate for product
Select and use resin systems appropriate for product
Select and use cores and fillers appropriate for product
Store and handle composite materials
Determine materials and techniques for a composite component or product
Record and trial work processes for one-off composite products
Select and use composite processes or systems appropriate for product
Adjust resin chemicals for current conditions
Select and apply repair techniques
Select and use joining techniques
Prepare composite or other substrate surfaces
Perform emergency first aid