Maintain workplace health and safety processes
Supervise and maintain a food safety plan
Evaluate a batch of seafood
Wholesale product
Buy seafood product
Analyse domestic seafood market opportunities
Analyse international seafood market opportunities
Develop and provide information about seafood product
Supervise storage of temperature controlled stock
Supervise work routines and staff performance
Develop teams and individuals
Show leadership in the workplace
Identify risk and apply risk management processes
Undertake small business planning
Manage a small team
Lead team effectiveness
Maintain work health and safety
Assist in managing Pharmacy Medicines and Pharmacist Only Medicines
Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies
Build customer relationships and loyalty
Lead and develop pharmacy teams
Work with diverse people
Coordinate pharmacy health promotions
Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Control stock
Provide personal leadership
Maintain store security
Supply and hire home health care aids and equipment
Provide Australian Needle and Syringe Program services
Lead team effectiveness
Maintain work health and safety
Assist in managing Pharmacy Medicines and Pharmacist Only Medicines
Build customer relationships and loyalty
Manage pharmacy sales and service delivery
Work with diverse people
Manage pharmacy premises, equipment and merchandise
Coordinate service to residential care facilities
Control stock
Coordinate pharmacy health promotions
Provide personal leadership
Test blood pressure and advice on self-monitoring
Test blood glucose and advise on equipment and services for diabetes management
Assist customers with asthma-care aids and equipment
Lead team effectiveness
Maintain work health and safety
Assist in managing Pharmacy Medicines and Pharmacist Only Medicines
Build customer relationships and loyalty
Manage pharmacy sales and service delivery
Assist in dispensing prescriptions
Assist in preparing dose administration aids
Assist in preparing extemporaneous prescriptions
Administer dispensary computer system and claims
Work legally and ethically
Provide personal leadership
Assist customers with asthma-care aids and equipment
Assist customers with wound care products
Assist customers with pregnancy and maternal health products and services