School-based Apprenticeships

More young folks are getting the chance to grab their dream jobs straight out of school, thanks to some exciting updates in a program by the Allan Labor Government. Premier Jacinta Allan and Minister for Education Ben Carroll swung by Interair at Essendon Airport today to share the news: now, every student at a government high school can jump into Head Start.

What’s Head Start, you ask? Well, it’s a super cool program that lets students dive into apprenticeships or traineeships while still finishing up Year 12. Yep, you heard that right – you can earn while you learn!

You’ll do this alongside your usual VCE subjects or other pathways certificates. Plus, you’ll get paid for the work you do, all while getting hands-on training in the job you’re passionate about.

Take William Paul, for example – a graduate from Sunbury Downs College who became the first student in Victoria to do aircraft maintenance as a school-based apprenticeship through Head Start. Pretty cool, right?

Last year, over 3,300 students got in on the action, getting matched up with employers who were just as excited about training up the next generation of workers.

And don’t worry, you won’t be on your own – the Head Start team is there to support you through Year 11 and 12, helping you juggle work, school, and training like a pro.

So far, the program’s been a big hit – with an awesome 87% of apprentices and trainees sticking with it. That’s way higher than the national average!

Now, thanks to the success of the pilot, Head Start is expanding to all government high schools. It’s part of a bigger plan by the Labor Government to give students more options after school.

As Premier Allan puts it, “We need more tradies out there, and this means more opportunities for everyone.”

And Minister Carroll agrees, saying, “Head Start is an awesome chance for students to finish Year 12 while getting paid and working toward their goals.”

Ready to dive in? Head over to to learn more and kickstart your career journey!