Agribusiness Administrator

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Areas Of Interest:   Crops, Fruit & Vegetables Farming
Certificate Level:  Certificate IV
Certificate Name:  Certificate IV in Agribusiness
Certificate Description:  Agribusiness Administrators perform a range of roles, depending on the type of rural business in which they work. They run the business on a day to day basis, promote the business, and develop growth strategies.
Code:  AHC41016
Work Type:  Nature & Recreation Organising & Clerical

Skills & Knowledge you will learn

Maintain work health and safety processes
Keep production records for a primary production business
Plan and implement property improvement
Analyse and interpret production data
Identify risk and apply risk management processes
Manage agricultural crop production
Manage livestock production
Administer finance, insurance and legal requirements
Operate within a budget framework
Report on financial activity
Implement and monitor quality assurance procedures
Monitor and manage small business operations