Composites Technician Apprentice – Level III

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Areas Of Interest:   Plastic Processing
Certificate Level:  Certificate III
Certificate Name:  Certificate III in Polymer Processing
Certificate Description:  Composites Technicians make moulds and can produce and repair products from a range of materials including epoxy or polyester resins, glass, aramid or carbon fibre. The work involves some hand skills and some mechanised processes.
Code:  PMB30116
Work Type:  Analytic & Scientific Practical & Manual

Skills & Knowledge you will learn

Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Interpret technical drawing
Make measurements
Provide coaching/mentoring in the workplace
Repair product imperfections
Prepare moulds for composites production
Operate hand held air/power equipment for production processes
Hand lay up composites
Produce composites using hand lamination
Apply gel coat or other polymer surface finish
Operate resin-glass depositor equipment
Finish composite products
Operate vacuum bagging equipment
Produce composites using vacuum bagging
Operate resin infusion moulding equipment
Make pattern/plug for composites moulds
Construct moulds for composite products
Repair damaged fibre-composites structures