Mineral Processing Technician

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Areas Of Interest:   Resource Processing
Certificate Level:  Certificate III
Certificate Name:  Certificate III in Resource Processing
Certificate Description:  As a Mineral Processing Technician you would perform a range of duties related to processes used to extract the minerals from ore. Your work may include operating crushing equipment and extraction processing equipment to extract concentrated minerals or producing minerals in their final form by smelting.
Code:  RII30415
Work Type:  Practical & Manual

Skills & Knowledge you will learn

Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
Communicate in the workplace
Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
Apply risk management processes
Maintain and monitor site quality standards
Conduct milling/grinding
Conduct crushing and screening plant operations
Conduct flotation process
Conduct leaching process
Perform processing control room operations
Maintain stockpiles
Operate furnaces
Conduct thickening and clarifying process