Work effectively in the industry
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Participate in work health and safety processes
Inspect and clean machinery for plant, animal and soil materials
Participate in workplace communications
Prepare grain storages
Undertake operational maintenance of machinery
Maintain properties and structures
Operate basic machinery and equipment
Use hand tools
Use power tools/hand held operations
Operate tractors
Licence to operate a forklift truck
Enter and work in a confined space
Shift materials safely using manual handling methods
Apply biosecurity measures
Coordinate machinery and equipment maintenance and repair
Perform machinery maintenance
Operate machinery and equipment
Operate specialised machinery and equipment
Contribute to work health and safety processes
Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
Ground spread fertiliser and soil ameliorant
Operate broadacre and row crop harvest machinery and equipment
Operate broadacre sowing machinery and equipment
Operate row crop planting and seeding machinery and equipment
Operate mobile irrigation machinery and equipment
Transport machinery
Respond to emergencies
Perform routine oxy acetylene welding
Perform routine manual metal arc welding