Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Inspect heavy off-the-road tyres
Prepare heavy off-the-road tyres for repair
Repair heavy off-the-road tyres
Cure heavy off-the-road tyre repairs
Finish heavy off-the-road tyre repairs
Conduct specialised forklift operation
Perform engineering measurements
Perform basic statistical quality control
Perform inspection
Provide work skill instruction
Interact with computer technology
Use hand tools
Use power tools/hand held operations
Follow WHS procedures
Follow emergency response procedures
Operate equipment
Transfer loads
Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Set up equipment for continuous operation
Set a die
Produce injection moulded products
Use material and process knowledge to solve problems
Apply quick changeover procedures
Undertake root cause analysis
Provide work skill instruction
Maintain and organise workplace records
Finish products and components
Fit attachments to products
Operate injection blow moulding equipment
Apply Just in Time
Apply 5S procedures
Identify and minimise environmental hazards
Make measurements
Pack products or materials
Undertake minor maintenance
Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Interpret technical drawing
Make measurements
Provide coaching/mentoring in the workplace
Facilitate a team
Repair product imperfections
Prepare moulds for composites production
Operate hand held air/power equipment for production processes
Hand lay up composites
Produce composites using hand lamination
Apply gel coat or other polymer surface finish
Operate resin-glass depositor equipment
Finish composite products
Operate vacuum bagging equipment
Produce composites using vacuum bagging
Operate resin infusion moulding equipment
Make pattern/plug for composites moulds
Construct moulds for composite products
Operate multi-axis router
Produce composites using resin transfer moulding
Produce composites using pre-pregs
Test fibre- composites materials and laminates
Mould chemical resistant and/or fire retardant fibre-composites
Repair damaged fibre-composites structures
Develop fibre-composite products using cored laminate techniques
Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Optimise process/plant area
Identify problems in fluid power system
Identify problems in electronic control systems
Trial a new die/tool
Predict polymer properties and characteristics
Set advanced or complex dies
Diagnose production equipment problems
Ensure process improvements are sustained
Facilitate the implementation of WHS for a work group
Develop and adjust a production schedule
Identify and apply process improvements
Identify equipment faults
Use structured problem solving tools
Interpret technical drawing
Operate equipment
Achieve work outcomes
Set a die
Operate injection moulding equipment
Use materials and process knowledge to complete work operations
Operate granulating equipment
Produce injection moulded products
Program computer controlled equipment
Use material and process knowledge to solve problems
Provide work skill instruction
Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Trial new process or product
Trial a new die/tool
Predict polymer properties and characteristics
Coordinate maintenance
Contribute to the development of plant documentation
Use structured problem solving tools
Assess risk
Undertake process capability improvements
Facilitate change in an organisation implementing competitive systems and practices
Ensure process improvements are sustained
Apply statistics to operational processes
Perform basic tests
Provide first aid
Use material and process knowledge to solve problems
Modify existing compounds
Make minor modifications to products
Interpret technical drawing
Prepare basic engineering drawing
Apply quick changeover procedures
Undertake root cause analysis
Apply Just in Time procedures
Apply 5S procedures
Identify and minimise environmental hazards
Provide work skill instruction
Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Trial new process or product
Coordinate maintenance
Optimise process/plant area
Inspect heavy off-the-road tyres
Prepare heavy off-the-road tyres for repair
Repair heavy –off-the-road tyres
Cure heavy off-the-road tyre repairs
Finish heavy off-the-road tyre repairs
Conduct specialised forklift operation
Develop and monitor quality systems
Provide coaching/mentoring in the workplace
Contribute to the development of plant documentation
Facilitate a team
Perform basic tests
Use structured problem solving tools
Coordinate work of team/section
Interpret technical drawing
Perform engineering measurements
Interact with computing technology
Use hand tools
Use power tools/hand held operations
Sustain process improvement
Follow WHS procedures
Use organisation computers or data systems
Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Identify and implement opportunities to maximise production efficiencies
Use structured problem solving tools
Analyse equipment performance
Review and analyse production trials and specify retrials
Determine rheology and output of plastics materials from processing equipment
Choose polymer materials for an application
Analyse the design of products and tools
Develop a new compound
Predict polymer properties and characteristics
Trial new process or product
Trial a new die/tool
Diagnose production equipment problems
Perform chemical tests and procedures
Contribute to WHS management system
Facilitate a team
Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Make measurements
Operate equipment
Work in a team
Achieve work outcomes
Identify equipment faults
Shift materials safely by hand
Operate ancillary equipment
Operate hand held air/power equipment for production processes
Cut materials
Lay up rubber lining or lag pulleys
Operate portable vulcanising equipment
Remove and replace conveyor belts
Repair conveyer belt carcass
Repair conveyer belt covers
Splice steel cord conveyor belts
Splice fabric ply conveyor belts
Splice solid woven conveyor belts
Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Set a die
Prepare and start equipment for production
Produce injection moulded products
Use material and process knowledge to solve problems
Identify equipment faults
Provide coaching/mentoring in the workplace
Make measurements
Work in a team
Undertake minor maintenance
Participate in continuous improvement
Sample and test materials and product
Finish products and components
Assemble materials and equipment for production
Prepare materials to formulae
Operate injection moulding equipment
Use materials and process knowledge to complete work operations
Trial a new die/tool
Apply quality standards
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Work safely
Process and record information
Change extrusion die and setup
Draw wire
Bunch and strand wire
Lay up and tape cables
Wind products onto drums
Colour optical fibre
Use materials and process knowledge to solve problems
Apply quick changeover procedures
Undertake root cause analysis
Operate cable winding equipment
Operate extruders
Apply Just in Time procedures
Apply 5S procedures
Identify and minimise environmental hazards
Make measurements
Undertake minor maintenance
Work in a team