Establish and manage client relationships
Work with diverse people
Manage legal and ethical compliance
Confirm physical health status
Provide first aid
Manage the prevention and control of infection
Develop massage practice
Assess client massage needs
Provide massage treatments
Manage work health and safety
Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability OR
Facilitate the empowerment of older people
Manage small business finances
Undertake small business planning
Establish and manage client relationships
Work with diverse people
Manage legal and ethical compliance
Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Engage with health professionals and the health system
Analyse and respond to client health information
Provide first aid
Manage the prevention and control of infection
Develop massage practice
Assess client massage needs
Perform remedial massage musculoskeletal assessments
Provide massage treatments
Provide remedial massage treatments
Adapt remedial massage practice to meet specific needs
Monitor and evaluate remedial massage treatments
Manage work health and safety
Market the small business
Provide nutrition information to athletes
Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
Adapt remedial massage practice for athletes
Implement injury prevention strategies