Identify risk and apply risk management processes
Provide first aid
Participate in workplace health and safety
Work in a community coaching role
Meet participant coaching needs
Continuously improve coaching skills and knowledge
Handle horses safely
Apply knowledge of horse behaviour
Lunge educated horses
Coach individual participants in the introduction of equestrian activities
Identify risk and apply risk management processes
Provide first aid
Participate in workplace health and safety
Work in a community coaching role
Meet participant coaching needs
Continuously improve coaching skills and knowledge
Coach swimmers up to a competitive level
Engage respectfully with young people
Implement sport selection policies and procedures
Respond to interpersonal conflict
Identify risk and apply risk management processes
Provide first aid
Participate in workplace health and safety
Work in a community coaching role
Meet participant coaching needs
Continuously improve coaching skills and knowledge
Coach junior players in tennis
Implement sport selection policies and procedures
Coach participants in sport competition
Instruct strength and conditioning techniques
Instruct exercise to young people aged 13 to 17 years
Collaborate with medical and allied health professionals in a fitness context
Provide motivation to positively influence exercise behaviour
Instruct long-term exercise programs
Promote functional movement capacity
Incorporate exercise science principles into fitness programming
Instruct exercise programs for body composition goals
Instruct personal training programs
Instruct group personal training programs
Recognise the dangers of providing nutrition advice to clients
Support healthy eating through the Eat for Health Program
Conduct sustainable work practices in open spaces
Present, secure and support sales solutions
Market the small business
Monitor and manage small business operations
Manage small business finances
Instruct approved community fitness programs
Address client needs
Facilitate inclusion for people with a disability
Select and use technology for sport, fitness and recreation work
Instruct exercise to young people aged 13 to 17 years
Collaborate with medical and allied health professionals in a fitness context
Provide motivation to positively influence exercise behaviour
Instruct long-term exercise programs
Promote functional movement capacity
Incorporate exercise science principles into fitness programming
Instruct exercise programs for body composition goals
Instruct personal training programs
Instruct group personal training programs
Recognise the dangers of providing nutrition advice to clients
Support healthy eating through the Eat for Health Program
Conduct sustainable work practices in open spaces
Present, secure and support sales solutions
Market the small business
Monitor and manage small business operations
Manage small business finances
Instruct endurance programs
Instruct strength and conditioning techniques
Develop strength and conditioning programs
Conduct individualised long-term training programs
Identify risk and apply risk management processes
Provide first aid
Maintain work health and safety
Meet participant coaching needs
Continuously improve coaching skills and knowledge
Prepare participants for sport competition
Respond to interpersonal conflict
Interpret equine behaviour
Handle horses
Coach unofficial local competition participants in equestrian
Develop and maintain stakeholder relationships
Identify risk and apply risk management processes
Provide first aid
Maintain work health and safety
Meet participant coaching needs
Continuously improve coaching skills and knowledge
Prepare participants for sport competition
Respond to interpersonal conflict
Coach swimmers up to a high-performance level
Engage respectfully with young people
Coach participants in sport competition
Develop strength and conditioning programs
Identify risk and apply risk management processes
Provide first aid
Maintain work health and safety
Meet participant coaching needs
Continuously improve coaching skills and knowledge
Prepare participants for sport competition
Respond to interpersonal conflict
Coach intermediate players in tennis
Engage respectfully with young people
Implement sport talent identification programs
Implement facility maintenance programs
Maintain work health and safety
Operate communications systems and equipment
Minimise environmental impact
Finalise operation of outdoor recreation activities
Plan outdoor activity sessions
Identify hazards, assess and control risks for outdoor recreation activities
Interpret weather and environmental conditions for outdoor recreation activities
Conduct search and rescue
Facilitate groups
Address client needs
Coordinate emergency responses
Maintain equipment for activities
Bushwalk in difficult tracked environments
Cross rivers during bushwalks
Lead bushwalks in difficult tracked environments
Navigate in difficult tracked environments
Bushwalk in extremely difficult tracked and untracked environments
Lead bushwalks in extremely difficult tracked and untracked environments
Navigate in extremely difficult tracked and untracked environments
Provide first aid
Carry out trip preparation and planning
Select, set up and operate a temporary or overnight site
Develop and maintain stakeholder relationships
Develop and maintain the general and regional knowledge required by guides
Prepare specialised interpretive content on flora, fauna and landscape
Provide outdoor catering
Show social and cultural sensitivity
Maintain work health and safety
Operate communications systems and equipment
Minimise environmental impact
Finalise operation of outdoor recreation activities
Plan outdoor activity sessions
Identify hazards, assess and control risks for outdoor recreation activities
Interpret weather and environmental conditions for outdoor recreation activities
Conduct search and rescue
Facilitate groups
Address client needs
Coordinate emergency responses
Maintain equipment for activities
Paddle a canoe on inland flatwater
Paddle a canoe on moving water up to grade 1 rivers
Lead canoeing activities on inland flatwater
Lead canoeing activities on moving water up to grade 1 rivers
Navigate in tracked environments
Paddle a canoe on grade 2 rivers
Lead canoeing activities on grade 2 rivers
Self rescue in white water
Rescue others in white water
Facilitate responsible behaviour
Operate a four wheel drive in a towing situation
Carry out trip preparation and planning
Coordinate work teams or groups
Develop and maintain stakeholder relationships
Carry out inspection of trailers