Local Government Community Relations Team Leader

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Areas Of Interest:   Clerical & Administration
Certificate Level:  Certificate IV
Certificate Name:  Certificate IV in Local Government
Certificate Description:  Employees perform a role within local government that focuses on the organisation's contact with the community. This position requires the application of a broad range of skills including the evaluation of current practices and the development of new procedures, as well as providing some leadership and guidance to others.
Code:  LGA40104
Work Type:  Organising & Clerical Persuading & Service

Skills & Knowledge you will learn

Follow defined OHS policies and procedures
Work effectively in local government
Work with others in local government
Provide quality and timely advice to council
Develop, implement and review operational plans
Represent council’s role and value in the community
Conduct public educational presentations
Develop and organise public education programs
Establish cooperative arrangements with other organisations
Devise and conduct community consultations
Manage a local government project
Provide team leadership